3.5. Initialisation of the Rover Receiver   
The Initialisation of the Rover receiver is done with the GPS > Start Rover submenu or with the button shown above.
Enter the input-port for the differential corrections (using radio or cell phone (GSM) modem), minimum elevation and maximum PDOP.

In addition for TPS receivers enter the RTK mode (extrapolation or delay), antenna type (internal, external or automatic) and the sat-system (GPS or GPS&GLONASS) and optionally activate the multipath reduction. The RTK-mode can be set to 'extrapolation‘ or 'delay‘. ‘Extrapolation‘ decreases the latency of the position and can extrapolate through short radio outages. 'Delay‘ is more accurate and is the normal mode for RTK surveying of fixed points.
For TPS and Ashtech receivers a fixing parameter can be entered. The fixing parameter defines the confidence interval for the ambiguity fixing:

 confidence interval

fixing parameter Ashtech fixing parameter TPS
no ambiguity fixing



90 %

very low


95 %



99 %


medium (default)

99,9 %

high (default)


99,99 % very high --

A confidence interval of 99.9% means that statistically one out of thousand ambiguity fixings is wrong.
Use the <OK>-button to initialise the Rover receiver.