4.2.3. Tachymetric Set
By means of the menu function Output > Tachymetric Set the tachymetric set can be displayed and modified. The measurements can be displayed and modified through various buttons:

<Measurem.> Clicking this button displays the measured values directly. Using the "<" and ">" keys, you can switch between the 1st and 2nd faces and between the sets.
<Red. Meas.> This button activates the display of the reduced directions distinguished according to Face 1 and Face 2.
<ErrorCalc.> In the error calculation, the following display is shown for each target point:
d: Difference between the set mean of the distances towards a target and the total mean value from all sets.
v: Improvement of the direction of the respective set
vz: Improvement of the zenith distance
vp: Improvement of the vertical index
vs1, vs2: Improvement of the distances in Face 1 and Face 2 (only for overall measurement)
<Average> This button activates the averaging of the reduced directions of Faces 1 and 2.
<Accuracy> Clicking this button opens a further window containing an overview of different accuracies. These comprise:
Sr: Standard deviation of a direction measurement
Srm: Standard deviation of the mean of the direction measurements
Phi: Vertical index error
Sz: Standard deviation of the zenith angle
Szm: Standard deviation of the mean of the zenith angle
Sp: Standard deviation of the vertical index error of a set
Spm: Standard deviation of the mean of the vertical index errors of all sets
Ss: Standard deviation of a distance measurement
<Print> This button logs the tachymetric set in the protocol file.
<Station> Clicking this button calls up the window to change the station. 
<Delete> This button is only active when the measurement values are displayed. All measurements for the current set are deleted in each case.
<Edit> This function allows the modification of individual measurement values and all their associated data.
<Esc> This function serves to quit the display dialog.