The ASCII 3.0 format is standard in all versions. With the ASCII 3.0 format coordinates and measurements can be exchanged between different
GART-2000® program versions (DOS and CE).
After choosing the ASCII 3.0 format the Windows-standard Open File menu is opened: Choose the directory and the name of the import file.
The ASCII 3.0 export module offers the following options:

- All Coordinates: for multiple measured points all coordinates are exported
- Mean Coordinates: for multiple measured points the averaged coordinates are exported
- Measurements: all measurement are exported
- Measurements and Coordinates:
all measurements and coordinates are exported
It is possible to define the point number range to be exported. The default value is to export all coordinates of the actual system.
After choosing the ASCII 3.0 format the Windows-standard Open File menu is opened: Choose the directory and the name of the export file.
After exporting the number of coordinates is shown.