4.3.10. Traverse
The menu item Calculate > Traverse serves to calculate traverses on the basis of already conducted surveys. This means that, prior to defining and calculating the traverse, one must have registered the measurement values on all break points and backsight points (see menu item 4.1. Input).
GART-2000® CE a total of four different kinds of traverses can be calculated, whereby the respective type is automatically determined by the program:
1. Traverse linked on both sides: all four points PAR, PA, PE and PER must be specified.
GART-2000® CE initially calculates the longitudinal and transverse deviation. The calculation of coordinates is carried out by means of transformation via both connecting control points.
2. Closed-figure traverse (without orientation): only the points PA and PE need to be specified. The traverse is calculated between the two connecting points.
3. Traverse linked on one side: this only requires the first point PA and the first connecting control point PAR to be specified. No closure error (misclosure) can be calculated with this kind of traverse. All traverse points are ultimately attached one after the other using polar measurements.
4. Ring traverse: the calculation of a ring traverse principally requires the same input as a traverse linked on both sides. However, the starting and end point (PA and PE) coincide. The calculation is carried out after the angular closure error has been distributed evenly among the break points. The coordinate inconsistencies are distributed in proportion to the distance.
Combined forms of these four types of traverse can be calculated;
GART-2000® CE examines the plausibility of the values entered and produces a corresponding error message if the traverse is not calculable.
The function Calculate > Traverse in
GART-2000® CE opens up the relevant dialog window. This is where the control points are entered, depending on the kind of traverse (PA, PAR, PE, PER). The points can be selected by simply clicking them in the graphic or can be manually entered. The abbreviations denote the following:

Code Point number of the starting point of the traverse
PAR Point number of the connecting direction of the traverse
PE Point number of the end point of the traverse
PER Point number of the closing direction of the traverse

The break points are entered with <Enter>. After this button has been clicked, the point input dialog appears, where the break points must be entered in the relevant order. If a point is to subsequently included, the marker is placed at the relevant position in the list of break points and the point is inserted in the list by clicking the button <Enter>. After the input of points is completed, erroneous entries can be removed with <Delete>. A new traverse can be defined with <New>.
Following definition of the traverse, it can be saved by clicking the button <Save>. Via the button <Read> traverses saved in this way can be recalled at a later stage. The calculation of the defined traverse is executed by clicking the button <OK>.

In the output window that then opens up, the traverse type automatically determined by GART-2000® CE  is displayed, along with the number of break points and the total length of the traverse.  The values FW, FL and FQ provide information on the closure error that has been computed, which is also compared with the official error/accuracy limits stipulated in Germany by the respective state authorities.
The results of the calculation can be saved by clicking the button <Save>. Via the button <Esc> the window can be closed without saving the coordinates calculated. The measurement values from the traverse can optionally be displayed by clicking the corresponding buttons.