4.4.2. Start Base   
The Initialisation of the Base station is done with the GPS > Start Base menu or the button shown above.
The fields have the following meaning:


Point number of the base station. The reference coordinate is stored with this number in GART-2000® CE.


East of the base station in the user system [m]


North of the base station in the user system [m]


Height of the base station in the user system [m]


True vertical antenna height (marker to phase center of antenna) [m]


Minimum elevation mask - the base receiver will only transmit differential corrections for satellites  with elevations above the minimum elevation mask [°]


Port identifier for the differential corrections (radio or cell phone (GSM) port)

Multipath Red.

Multipath Reduction. When activated, an additional algorithm is applied to reduce the multipath influence. (Only for TPS)


Number of satellites that are used for the position calculation - this field will be empty unless a navigation solution is queried from GPS receiver


Current PDOP value - this field will be empty unless a navigation solution is queried from GPS receiver

Max SV

Maximum number of satellites to be included in corrections (JNS only;  0 = all available)


Multi-Base option. When activated, you can transmit correction data on your base station via several radio ports.

The button <Sat> shows the available satellites if
GART-2000® CE is able to establish a connection to the GPS receiver.
The satellite overview displays the satellite number, the azimuth, the elevation and the signal/noise-ratio of the different satellites on the screen.
For TPS-receivers the GPS satellites are marked with a 'G‘, GLONASS satellites with a 'R' in the first row. 

For Ashtech receivers, in addition, you will see a flag ('-' or 'U' ). The satellites are marked with a 'U' if differential corrections exist for a satellite. Otherwise, a '-' is shown.
The button <Sky-Plot> shows the actual geometry of satellites on screen.
The button <Nav Sol.> reads a position from the navigation solution of the receiver if the receiver tracks four or more satellites.
Furthermore for TPS receivers the maximal number of used satellites can be chosen and the Multipath-Reduction can be activated. Therefore the Base- and the Rover-receiver need to have the necessary option. The multipath settings should be the same for base and rover receiver.
Should you wish to use your TPS receiver as a reference station serving several mobile recreivers simultaneously, the option Multi-Base should be activated. When this option is activated, multiple communication channels can be operated over the radio port. With the button <OK> the receiver is initialized as GPS reference station at the end of the settings and the reference coordinate is saved. When Multi-Base is activated, an Initialisation must be carried out for each radio port.
After having done all settings the button <OK> initialises the Base receiver and saves the reference coordinates.
The button  >>  next to the field Ant.Height opens the submenu for the antenna height. Choose the manufacturer and the antenna type. For each antenna type the individual antenna offsets are shown.
Enter the type of antenna height measurement:
instrument height: measured from the marker to the bottom of the antenna at the base of the mounting threads,
- slope:
measured from the marker to the lower edge of the groove around the antenna at the seam between the top and bottom halves of the antenna casing.
In the field Measured enter your slope or vertical antenna height. The true vertical height will be calculated immediately and will be shown in the field Calc (TV). After leaving this window with the <OK> button, the true vertical height will be set as antenna height in the measurement window.
The true vertical antenna height in
GART-2000® CE allows for different antenna offsets in the case of different antenna types being used on base and rover. In addition to the predefined antenna types in the list, you may enter your own antenna types. To do so enter a new name for your antenna and edit the values in the offset fields. The button <Save> stores the new entry.

If you have selected the correction data format Standard NMEA, the function GPS > Start Base is deactivated.