4.4.3. Start Rover   
The Initialisation of the Rover receiver is done with the GPS > Start Rover submenu or with the button shown above.
Different settings can be chosen (vary with the used receiver type):

Fixing Par. This value has an effect on the reliability for the ambiguity fixing. For more information see below in this chapter.
Radio Port Select the input-port for the differential corrections via radio or cell phone (GSM) modem. Chose between A, B, C, and D. Default is port C.
Min. Elev. Elevation cutoff. Satellites below this elevation will not be used for position calculation.
Max. PDOP Threshold value for controlling PDOP. If a measurement with a PDOP higher than this value is stored, GART-2000® CE displays a warning message. Nevertheless the measurement may be saved.

For TPS-receiver you can choose the RTK-Mode (extrapolation or delay), the Antenna (internal, external or automatic), the Sat system (GPS or GPS&GLONASS) and optionally activate the Multipath-Reduction.
The RTK-mode can be set to ‘extrapolation’ or ‘delay’. Extrapolation decreases the latency of the position and can extrapolate through short radio outages. Delay is more accurate and is the normal mode for RTK surveying of fixed points.

The fixing parameter defines the confidence interval for the ambiguity fixing:

 confidence interval

fixing parameter Ashtech fixing parameter TPS
no ambiguity fixing



90 %

very low


95 %



99 %


medium (default)

99,9 %

high (default)


99,99 % very high --

A confidence interval of 99.9% means that statistically one out of thousand ambiguity fixings is wrong.
The mode high stands for the most reliable ambiguity fixing, but takes most time. The mode low is the fastest, but there is a higher possibility of a wrong ambiguity fixing. The value high is recommended for most static or kinematic applications. The mode float means that the receiver will not try to fix the ambiguities. This feature works only with Ashtech GG24 or with TPS receivers.
Use the <OK>-button to initialise the Rover receiver. Be sure of having chosen the right  settings in the submenu Initial > Constants > GPS because these settings affect the Rover Initialisation.
The button <Sat> shows the available satellites if GART-2000® CE is able to establish a connection to the GPS receiver.

The satellite overview displays the satellite number, the azimuth, the elevation and the signal/noise-ratio of the received satellites.
For TPS-receivers the GPS satellites are marked with a 'G‘, GLONASS satellites with a 'R' in the first row.
For Ashtech receivers there is an additional flag ('-' or 'U' ). The satellites are marked with a 'U' if differential corrections exist for a satellite. Otherwise, a '-' is shown.
The button <Sky-Plot> shows the actual geometry of satellites on screen.
Using the differential correction format Standard NMEA there will be another dialog when using the menu GPS > Start Rover:
The field Script offers three different possibilities to initialise the Rover receiver:
No Script: Use this kind of Initialisation, if the Rover receiver automatically sends data and must not be initialised with any commands.
Manual Input: There may be entered separate commands into the field Send to initialize the Rover receiver.
File: Load a scriptfile with several commands to initialize the Rover receiver. Use the button <...> next to the field Scriptfile to select the file.
The button <Sat> shows the available satellites if GART-2000® CE is able to establish a connection to the GPS receiver.
Use the <OK>-button to initialize the Rover receiver or to send a command.